Rules of the Road
To ensure that our customers have a safe and enjoyable ride, the Coach Operator or other MetroLink Tulsa Staff will enforce the rules outlined here on MetroLink Tulsa’s properties, which include buses, bus shelters, bus stops, Denver Avenue Station, Midtown Memorial Station, and MetroLink offices. By violating any of these policies you may be suspended from MetroLink Tulsa services and facilities.
Policies updated 1/6/2025
- Pets must be in a carrier, except for certified service animals.
- Boarding with an uncontrolled or aggressive animal that can pose as a safety threat to patrons or MetroLink staff is prohibited.
- Owners must clean up after pet at or in MetroLink transit vehicles, facilities, and/or properties.
Audio Devices
- Use of media players without headphones or at disruptive volumes is prohibited.
Bikes & Scooters
- Battery-powered foldable bikes and scooters are permitted on MetroLink vehicles. They must be folded, safely secured, never block aisles, doors, or emergency exit windows.
- Roller skating/blading, skateboarding, cycling, or using a scooter (not including those designed for mobility) at any MetroLink facility or property prohibited.
Children Under 12 & Strollers
- Children must NOT remain in strollers on the bus; strollers must be folded and stored.
- Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult or someone 16 years or older.
- Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. Removing clothing in public is prohibited.
- Indecent exposure is prohibited.
Eating and Drinking
- No eating. Drinks are allowed only in sealed or resealable containers.
Emergency Equipment
- Tampering with emergency exits, devices, or equipment is strictly prohibited unless in an emergency.
Failure to Comply
- Refusal to leave MetroLink property or comply with MetroLink or law enforcement personnel is prohibited.
- All riders must abide by any State and or Federal law while in or on MetroLink transit vehicles, facilities, and/or properties
Fare Compliance
- Refusal to pay fare or misuse of fare media is prohibited.
- Use of counterfeit or stolen money, MetroLink ID, or fare media, or the unauthorized resale of MetroLink fare media or an MetroLink ID is prohibited.
Firearms & Weapons
- No firearms, weapons, or fireworks of any kind are allowed, except:
- A pistol or handgun carried in compliance with the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act.A rifle or shotgun not loaded in the clip, magazine, or chamber and transported in a case per the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971.
- Unholstering a firearm is strictly prohibited.
Hygiene and Facility Use
- Urinating, defecating, or intentionally spitting on MetroLink vehicles, facilities, or properties is prohibited, except in designated restrooms.
Language & Conduct
- No vulgar, indecent, profane, or boisterous language or behavior that provokes disturbances.
- Engaging in or soliciting sexual activity on MetroLink vehicles or properties is prohibited.
Lost Items
- MetroLink Tulsa is not responsible for lost or stolen items, however, we do the best we can to ensure customers do get items left behind on any service back to the customer.
- MetroLink Tulsa, MicroLink and LinkAssist lost and found items will be processed and/or discarded from Denver Avenue Station.
- Items lost on Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday will not be available for customer service to find until Monday afternoon.
- Found items will not be transported to Denver Avenue Station until after 2 p.m. the following business day.
- If an item is lost on a day that falls on an observed holiday, then the items will not be delivered until the next business day.
- All items are held for seven (7) consecutive days from the date they are found by the transit provider.
- Customers who are searching for an item may call our Customer Service line at 918-982-6882 before heading to station to ensure their item(s) is at the station.
- All perishable food items and soiled items that are emanating an odor will be disposed of immediately.
- Personal documents such as ID/Credit/Social Security cards, Driver’s Licenses, etc. will be shredded after the 7 day waiting period. MTTA does its best to send driver licenses back to the address on the ID. Items of no apparent value or use will be discarded.
- Items of no apparent value or use will be discarded.
- Items in good condition will be donated to a charitable organization.
Physical Behavior
- No fighting, throwing objects, pushing, rough behavior, or loud, disruptive behavior.
- Actions that may create or provoke a reaction of fear or violence, including harassment, physical violence, intimidation, or threatening behavior toward customers or MetroLink employees are not tolerated.
- Hanging or swinging from stanchions or placing feet/shoes on seats, walls, or furnishings is prohibited.
- Hanging hands, arms, or legs outside a MetroLink transit vehicle is prohibited.
Presenting Identification
- Riders must present valid identification when requested by MetroLink personnel for certain fare verification purposes.
Refund Policy
- MetroLink does not issue refunds for any purchases.
Restricted Items
- No possession of flammable liquids, explosive materials, or toxic substances.
- Possession of lawn or yard equipment, exposed fishing hooks, sharp objects, or hazardous materials is prohibited.
- Transporting large items that block doorways, aisles, or passenger ways is prohibited. Items must be able to fit in passengers lap.
Smoking and Prohibited Substances
- No smoking, vaping, or using tobacco or marijuana products.
- Possession or consumption of open alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
- Being visibly intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics is prohibited.
- Possession, sale, or intent to sell controlled substances is strictly prohibited.
- Intentionally lighting a lighter, match, torch, or carrying a lit cigarette, cigar, or other smoke- producing material while in or on any MetroLink transit vehicle, facility, and/or property is prohibited.
Solicitation and Loitering
- Panhandling, loitering, canvassing, soliciting, or unauthorized material distribution is prohibited.
- Passengers must have a destination when boarding.
- Do not stand in front of the yellow standee line while the vehicle is in motion.
- Do not distract the driver while operating the vehicle.
- Items that block doorways, seats, or aisles, including bulky strollers or packages, are not permitted.
- Hanging or swinging from stanchions or placing feet or shoes on seats, walls, or furnishings in or at any MetroLink transit vehicle, facility, or property prohibited.
- Hanging hands, arms, legs outside of an MetroLink transit vehicle prohibited.
- Passengers are required to allow operator to secure mobility device, or refusal to use appropriate safety restraints (seatbelts/Posey straps on LinkAssist buses).
- Entering restricted areas is prohibited.
- Defacing, damaging, or destroying MetroLink property will lead to legal prosecution.